Akasha, September 1, 2017September 1, 2017, Animations & Poses, genesis 2 females, genesis 2 males, Michael 6, poses, victoria 6, 0 Premium ContentLogin to buy access to this content. Related posts: 60 Ultimate Dance Poses for Michael 6 Survivor Poses for Michael 6 and Victoria 6 Daz Dragon 3, Victoria 8 and Michael 8 Poses Fight Poses For Michael 7 And Victoria 7 Love Story Poses for Victoria 7 and Michael 7 Enchanted Dance Poses for Michael 7 and Victoria 7 Star-Crossed Lover – Poses for Victoria 7 and Michael 7 Victoria 6 & Michael 6 HD Add-On Bundle Michael 6 Variety Poses Modern Ninja Poses for Genesis 2 Male(s) and Michael 6