Akasha, December 10, 2017December 10, 2017, Utilities & Resources, clothes, Iray, Shaders, 0 Premium ContentLogin to buy access to this content. Related posts: Iray Halloween Fabric Shaders And Seamless Tile Merchant Resource Fabric Basics Lace for Iray Dressmaking Fabric :: Daz IRAY Shaders Decorator Kit: Neutral Shader Presets for Iray Crystal Light Catchers and Shader Presets for Iray Versatile Glass Shader – Custom Shader and Presets for Iray Silk and Velvet Iray Shader Presets and Merchant Resource E1 Fantastic Plastic – Iray Synthetic Shader Presets for Daz Studio DG Iray Fur, Flocking, Scales Shader Presets Easy Liquid – Custom Liquid Shader and Presets for Iray